The joys of a laptop and a wi-fi connection. I can sit on the sofa and type up a blog. Surely a wonderful thing.
So far this has been a monthly deal for me. There hasn't been much going on, so there isn't a whole lot for me to comment on. I assure everyone once the preseason and season get going, I will have plenty to say. Perhaps more than most care to hear.
I was able to be home and watch most of the Superdraft. I was overjoyed to hear my fellow fans and Cauldronites so loud and proud on ESPN. Good show for KC to a national audience. The videos I was able to find of both of our draft pick were quite good. Both young men look like they should fit in well and gain a wealth of knowledge from PV and the rest of the club. Dom should be able to step in and get some quality minutes in training as everyone tries to figure out their roles and places in this years front line.
Hedrick's highlight video made me think he could give the defense another enforcer. What I saw was a defender not afraid to get in the mix and move forward. Decent headers, decent touches and passes, and plenty of physical play. If I am right and that is how he plays out, look out MLS. SKC will have a brute squad on the back line to protect Jimmy. Perhaps I am doing a bit of wishful thinking, but oh well. That is how I played the game. I just think you gotta let the other team know nothing is going to come easy, and you are going to be in their face the whole way.
I was a bit put off with CJ and his comments a while back when talking of perhaps playing in Europe. I fully understand this is his job and he will need to secure his future as football won't last forever. I just don't like seeing people cut their teeth in MLS and running to Europe. If this league is going to continue to get better, we have to find a way to keep talent here. Donovan went to Germany and couldn't cut it, for whatever reason. He came back to MLS, got some good money and is thriving. His loan spells in England are a great thing. He is bringing eyes and respect to the league from across the world. Although I am NOT a fan of his, I hope he stays home to finish his career. As far as foreign stars coming over to play near the end of the time, it brings fans in just for the star value, but it would be better if we could find a way to bring these guys over in their prime. I know our league is still young and working on fitting into the mix on the global market. The MLS needs to make the money to get and keep big name players in the US. New York and LA are not the only teams that matter. The Cosmos stacked their lineup all those years ago and we all know how that experiment worked out. There has got to be equal chance to draw these people in league wide. The more teams that can grab or better yet, grow big talent, the better. The casual fan is going to be more likely to come to games and turn into a true fan if someone they have seen on ESPN or FOX plays in their city on a regular basis. I hope that what I want happens. CJ is a joy to watch. I don't doubt his loyalty to SKC. I would love to see him succeed both here and with the national team. I only want our players to build a strong squad here and stay. Maybe I am just a bit old school in thinking the name on the front of the jersey is more important than the name on the back.
I was fortunate enough to join some of the Cauldron folks at the recent Comets game. It was the first time seeing the Comets since I was a boy. My kids were kind enough to go with me. A big thanks to all that helped put that together. The highlight of the night for me was the retro game at halftime. It was a real treat to see Gino Schiraldi and Tatu out on the floor again. Hopefully I can get out to the IEC and catch another game before season's end.
Isaac, author of Footy Chronicles, brought up some good points with his recent tweets and blog. Check out his blog if you haven't seen it. He brought up the current number of blogs and what is being put out there to read. What is it that the bloggers are bringing to the table? What makes yours different from the rest? Well Isaac, I submit this to you. Mine is opinion. As stated in the description of this blog, this isn't a place for breaking news. There are plenty of fine bloggers out there taking care of that. I am here to give my thoughts on goings on. I also just want to share my soccer story. I get a kick out of telling people about what I experience throughout the season. I am however going to be stealing and idea from Isaac. He is going to interview folks that write blogs, run supporters groups, and have twitter accounts dedicated to SKC. I am going to try to get new people to come join us for matches, and tell their stories. What I put in this blog comes from my heart. I am going to have these people give me their thoughts from their hearts. If they have a good time, I will insist they let us all know why. If they think the whole experience was a waste of time, same think. I want to share why they think so. Again, it is all just to tell a story and let us know as fans what we can do to better a visit to Livestrong Sporting Park.
I look forward to the preseason getting underway so I have more to talk about. I really do want to put more out there for your consumption. This season is going to be great. I finally feel I have found my spot with everyone in our little world. I have people that follow me on twitter and find what I have to say entertaining enough to keep following me. I hope my blog continues to grow and gets new folks stopping by to read it. I owe a huge thanks to those that have spread the word about my blog and twitter. A huge thanks to AdAstraSKC for adding this to the list of SKC blogs. Again, I put this out to share what is in my head with the SKC world. If you read this and disagree with me, so be it. I am usually up for a good debate. If you read this and think it is all rubbish, don't read it. I am not in this to deal with people being pricks. If you really have nothing better to do than put people down that are putting something original and sincere out there, get a life. Preferably far away from mine.
We are just 2 short months away from getting the 2012 season underway. The buzz building around this year is getting louder by the day. I would love to see a gathering of bloggers before a game for some good food and good banter. I would get a big kick out of the SKCchat people getting together before a match. We have had a good time during the offseason "getting together" on tuesday nights to chat about what is going on. Faces to go with names would be cool.
Thanks for taking the time to read this. I will do a better job of keeping up and saying more. It's all just finding a balance and making sure I take time to do this.